Organisational development

We also have significant hands-on organisational change management experience, including privatisation of government entities and corporatisation. We are sensitive to the human and cultural requirements of such processes in New Zealand and overseas.

Strategic and operational business management advice

Our consultants have managed and provided management advice to commercial businesses and overseas projects, including a join forestry initiative between New Zealand and the Philippines (Bukidnon Forestry Incorporated), several Pacific Island development banks and the WOSED Women’s Microfinance Scheme in Fiji.

Privatisation processes

Nimmo-Bell & Associates consultant Bruce Koller was responsible for the establishment of advisory services at New Zealand’s former Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, as part of a government privatisation programme. He has also provided privatisation advise to other New Zealand Government bodies and advised on organisational reform strategies for the Ministry of Agriculture in Uruguay.

Corporatisation processes

Nimmo-Bell & Associates was also appointed to manage the Bukidnon Forests Incorporated (BFI) project in the Philippines for three years while it transitioned from a government department to a corporate structure. BFI is a joint venture between the Philippines and New Zealand involving about 7000 hectares of plantation forestry established on denuded hill country in Mindanao, the most southern of the main islands in the Philippines. Nimmo-Bell & Associates provided strategic and business policy and planning inputs and assisted government departments with the development of corporatisation/privatisation policies.


Our experience in this field includes restructuring a rural finance company and an agribusiness service centre.

Human resource development

Our consultants are experienced in human resource development in New Zealand and in the Asia-Pacific region – particularly through our involvement in developing country finance, which requires capacity building – both institutional, in relation to systems, and with people with on the job training, workshops, seminars and longer-term training programmes.