Developing country finance

We manage and deliver finance services for small to medium sized business and individual entrepreneurs in developing countries. We have been involved with the financing of a wide range of agricultural activities, from large coffee, cocoa and rubber plantations to smallholder vegetable and livestock operations.

Advisory services

Often the only security for the repayment of loans in developing countries is the supervised management of the individual borrower’s business and cash flow. We provide business advisory services to small to medium sized businesses in developing countries to ensure they can meet their repayment commitments.


Nimmo-Bell & Associates consultant Jock Struthers closely reviewed the operations of the WOSED Women’s Microfinance Scheme in Fiji and recommended strategies for its establishment as a non-governmental organisation. He has also studied other microfinance schemes in the Asia-Pacific region.

Credit enhancing mechanisms

We have studied the use of credit enhancing mechanisms such as equipment leasing, venture capital and loan guarantee schemes in developing countries, including in including those in Samoa, the Solomon Islands and the Philippines, as a way of providing specialised sources of finance to businesses and entrepreneurs.